Wednesday, July 4, 2018


As I have given in the previous post, baby's stool plays a major role in introducing solid.

Firstly I write about the babies who passes stool often a day or daily once and little loose stools.
For this kind of babies rice flour porridge, potatoes, carrots can be introduced as first mash.

Secondly, some babies pass stool daily but not loose stool. Their stool looks stiffer. It holds shape.
For these kind of babies apples, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, avocados can be introduced first.

Lastly, some babies pass stool once in a few days and stiff or little loose. Don't care about the consistency but as they pass once in few days, apples, sweet potatoes and avocados are better choice to introduce first.

Banana makes the stool thick and dry. So it is better to introduce later after apples or sweet potatoes.

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